Monday, September 29, 2008

GPS and Geocashing

Dr. Alice Christie taught school for 25 years in K-12 schools. She also taught at Arizona State University from 1995, until her recent retirement. She travels all over speaking and doing workshops nationally. She does this to teach educators how to bring technology into the classroom and enhance their learning experience.
I read the part on GPS and Geocashing. This is a neat way to bring technology into a science or history lesson, to make it fun. With Geocashing you have a GPS and go online to get the coordinates. It will tell you where a geocash is located or you can make up your on geocash and put the coordinates online. You punch in the GPS location and on with your trip. When you get to your location, there is a box with little trinkets and a log book. You sign the book, take a trinket and leave a trinket. Along your way you can talk about different things in the environment and incorporate anything educational along the way. Children need a break from the classroom from time to time. This is a way to make it fun and educational, at the same time!!!

To check out her web site Click Here

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